If you become aware of any instances where our norms and code of conduct are not being followed, we encourage you to bring it to our attention by sending an email to: ethics@shankarelectricals.com
If you do not receive a response or feel that the matter needs further attention, please escalate by sending an email to the following address: advisory@shankarelectrical.com
At sesipl a great empasis is laid on ethical values and transparency. The work ethics is a day to day practice and it is strictly implemented and needs to be followed by every employee in the company has a group ethical standards and norms in place. Every employee is bound by these ethical standards and norms and have to sign the document on a stamp paper. Any violations are very strictly dealt and a defaulter will even lose his job. The company has set of a review enquiry committee, whose members are drawn from the advisory board and senior management of the company for conducting enquiries into such violations. The company follows the due legal process in all such matters and is done very professionally
Ethical Norms Followed Including Bribery, Inducements Either Financial Or Material For Manufacturers, Vendors, Suppliers, Contractor, Sub Contractor Related Issues
In addition to the ges in place for employees there is a second level of control in place wherein the company had put in place very strict measures in place and all those who are in the business deals with sesipl have been sent these ethical norms to sign the decalaration. (ethical norms for those engaged in business dealings with sesipl- click here to view the document)
Trusted by some of the world’s biggest brands.